Research Briefs

The Health Equity Matters (formerly AFAO) research briefs highlight selected research about a topic or issue relevant to the HIV response in Australia. The research briefs are intended to inform people working in HIV and sexual health policy and health promotion.

Summary Report of Key Learnings from a Scoping Study of HIV Testing in Australia

AFAO undertook a scoping study of HIV testing in Australia to better understand the reasons why people test for HIV too infrequently, or not at all and to identify strategies and resources to support HIV testing among different sub-populations at risk of HIV. Key learnings from each phase of the project are described below.

Published: January 2020

HIV and overseas born gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men

The two articles summarised in this brief offer insights that are useful for understanding the HIV health promotion needs of Asian born men living in Australia.

Published: May 2019

HIV Late Diagnosis

While the proportion of late HIV diagnoses in Australia has been relatively stable over the ten years 2008- 2017, the proportion was at its highest in 2017 (36%).

Published: February 2019