Published: 17 July 2024

MyTest: HIV Self-Testing

By Carolyn Slattery and Eliza Basheer, NSW STI Programs Unit, Centre of Population Health, NSW Health.

NSW residents born overseas are disproportionately represented in new HIV diagnoses compared to those born in Australia. Diagnoses among Australian-born individuals are approaching the lowest levels ever recorded which is a success for NSW’s sector-led HIV response, however, greater support is needed to ensure people born overseas are not left behind.

NSW Health is committed to making community-based HIV self-testing simple, accessible and free through the provision of an innovative testing model that simplifies the process for individuals who have never tested for HIV or do so infrequently. The NSW Health led MyTest pilot project achieves this by offering individuals the chance to obtain up to four free TGA approved Atomo HIV self-test kits a month via vending machines. These tests are discreet, easy to use and provide accurate results in just 15 minutes.

HIV self-testing is a safe, accurate and effective way to reach people who may not otherwise test, including people from key populations such as overseas born men who have sex with men and bisexual men. Studies have shown that many people find self-testing both acceptable, in some cases, preferable to in-person testing, and feasible for people to correctly administer rapid self-tests and interpret the results. For individuals who test positive on a HV self-test kit, additional (confirmatory) testing is needed.

The MyTest website is a multi-page information platform and features an easy user registration process. The only information needed to get an HIV self-test is a mobile number or email address, and confirmation that a person is over the age of 16. The website was designed to guide users through the process and clearly outline how to access and use MyTest HIV self-test kits and what to do after receiving a result. The website also provides general information on HIV prevention, testing and treatment as well as support and information service that are freely available in NSW. MyTest vending machines are currently located across NSW including in inner-Sydney, Greater Western Sydney, and in Newcastle. Location details can be found on the MyTest website.

NSW Health extends its gratitude to the CONNECT pilot run by Thorne Harbour Health in partnership with SHINE SA, under the joint SAMESH program who shared their project learnings and valuable insights which were used to inform the MyTest pilot project. NSW Health also thanks the various partner organisations within NSW who have made invaluable contributions to the project’s development and implementation.

More information about MyTest can be found at: or by contacting the project team:

MyTest is funded by NSW Health and supported by a range of partners including ACON, Kirby Institute, Positive Life NSW, Pozhet, Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service, NSW Sexual Health Infolink, Hunter New England Local Health District (LHD), South Eastern Sydney LHD, Western Sydney LHD and South Western Sydney LHD.